Recette de Roulés de Courgettes Farcis à la Ricotta et aux Herbes

Recipe for Zucchini Rolls Stuffed with Ricotta and Herbs

Recipe for Zucchini Rolls Stuffed with Ricotta and Herbs

Zucchini rolls stuffed with ricotta and herbs are a light and tasty option for an appetizer or starter. Here is a simple recipe that highlights the freshness of zucchini and creamy ricotta enhanced with herb aromas.

Ingredients :

  • 2 medium zucchini
  • 200g ricotta
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh herbs (basil, parsley, chives)
  • Zest of a lemon
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil

Instructions :

  1. Preparing the zucchini: Wash and cut the ends of the zucchini. Using a mandolin or vegetable peeler, make thin slices of zucchini lengthwise. Reserve.

  2. Preparation of the stuffing: In a bowl, mix the ricotta with the chopped fresh herbs (basil, parsley, chives) and the lemon zest. Season with salt and pepper to your preference.

  3. Assembling the rolls: Place a teaspoon of the stuffing on the end of a slice of zucchini and roll it gently to form a small roll. Repeat this step with the other slices of zucchini and the stuffing.

  4. Cooking: In a frying pan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Arrange the stuffed zucchini rolls in the pan and cook for about 2 to 3 minutes on each side, until lightly browned and the zucchini is tender but still crunchy.

  5. Serving: Transfer the stuffed zucchini rolls to a serving dish and serve hot.

  6. Tasting: Savor these zucchini rolls stuffed with ricotta and herbs to enjoy the combination of fresh zucchini, creamy ricotta and aroma of herbs.

These stuffed zucchini wraps are perfect for a special occasion, a light appetizer or even as a side to a main meal. They bring a touch of elegance to your table while being simple to prepare.

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