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Cure Good Night

Regular price 23,50€
Regular price Sale price 23,50€

For better sleep

200 mL


A 100% natural and organic cure, a new ally for your Beauty Sleep! 🌙

Our first sleep treatment based on cider vinegar combined with the benefits of passionflower and lemon balm. Two tablespoons in a glass of water at bedtime to let the magic work while you sleep: easier digestion, less mental stress and rapid falling asleep for a full night and truly restorative sleep.

The plus : combines perfectly with the Morning Detox Cure.

Achat en une fois

1 cure



2 cures




3 cures



Certified organic farming

French made
Handmade in Normandy

Morning Detox Treatment

Morning Detox Treatment

200 mL

Regular price 23,50€
Regular price Sale price 23,50€


The sleep cure, taken before bedtime, has many benefits:

- Improves digestion and prevents bloating,
- Regulates blood sugar and lowers blood sugar levels,
- Helps to fall asleep,
- Soothes mild symptoms of mental stress,
- Promotes a night without interruption or awakening caused by blood sugar peaks,
- Boosts the body's detox during the night

Usage tips

A routine to lull your nights! ✨
The dose ? Two tablespoons diluted in a glass of water every evening.

Not recommended for children and adolescents, people suffering from inflammatory or autoimmune diseases, pregnant and breastfeeding women, people with epilepsy, asthma, suffering from mood, behavioral or personality disorders or following drug treatment, take the opinion of the attending physician.


Ingredients: Mother's cider vinegar*, agave syrup*, passionflower extract*, lemon balm extract*, natural flavor*. *Ingredients from organic farming

Learn more about Archie Apple Cider Vinegar

- Our Archie with his mother cider vinegar is made with the greatest care to offer multiple benefits. First by carefully choosing apples from organic orchards in Normandy. Then letting the cider ferment for several weeks, at its own pace.
- Finally, Archie vinegar is unfiltered, unpasteurized, all in a glass bottle made in France and packaged by a Normandy company supporting people with disabilities.
- The mother of cider vinegar is this cloud that floats at the bottom of the bottle. It forms naturally when cider turns into vinegar and contains a concentration of good bacteria, nutrients, minerals and vitamins. This is a sign that the product is alive, pure and full of wonderful benefits for the body.

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Cure Good Night
Cure Good Night For better sleep
Add to cart -  23,50€

Suivez la méthode GlucoseGoddess avec Archie

  • Étape 1

    Une cuillère à soupe de votre vinaigre de cidre Archie dans un verre.

  • Étape 2

    Se servir un grand verre d’eau plate ou gazeuse. À accompagner de citron si vous le souhaitez !

  • Étape 3

    Le boire 15 minutes avant votre repas puis mangez comme à votre habitude.

  • Étape 4

    À répéter tous les jours pour profiter des bienfaits du vinaigre de cidre !

Archie responds
to all your questions

Why drink the good night cure?

For its many benefits: improves digestion and prevents bloating, regulates blood sugar and lowers blood sugar levels, helps you fall asleep, soothes mild symptoms of mental stress, promotes a night without interruption or awakening caused by blood sugar spikes.

What do we find in the good night cure?

Our night cure is composed of cider vinegar, passionflower extract and lemon balm extract.

When to drink the good night cure?

We recommend that you drink the cure every evening at bedtime.

How to drink the good night cure?

We recommend two tablespoons diluted in a glass of water.

Customer Reviews

Based on 165 reviews
Bon produit mais publicité mensongère

Bon produit mais publicité mensongère. J’atteins le minimum de commande pour avoir une huile de visage en produit offert. Or, à la réception il s’agissait de deux échantillons.
J’ai fait une capture d’écran en montrant qu’il s’agissait de produit car la photo n’était pas conforme et le SAV m’a seulement répondu qu’ils étaient navré. Ils m’ont proposé une réduction similaire à ce qu’on peut trouver aujourd’hui en temps de soldes sur les réseaux sociaux… mais qu’en pense la DGCCRF ?

Melanie Delahaie
Good night

Aucun effet particulier m’a pas amélioré. Mon sommeil ne m’a pas dégonflé le ventre, un coup pas terrible du tout

Françoise Adelson

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