Entretien avec Sonia Robino - Naturopathe

Interview with Sonia Robino - Naturopath

9 minutes
  • Can you introduce?

My name is Sonia Robino, I am a naturopath and I have been practicing for 6 years in practice as well as remotely. My specialty is treating digestive disorders. Previously, I worked for 20 years in the advertising field, but I retrained when I was 40. Currently, I am developing an online program on digestive disorders, offering group support. I also give workshops and conferences, and I work with small groups in companies on health issues. However, my main activity remains consultation in individual offices. Each patient I see is received in two sessions: the first is a vitality assessment which allows us to study the person's background and set up a personalized program lasting 1.5 to 2 hours. One month later, we follow up to evaluate the changes and adjust the support if necessary. Sometimes two consultations are enough, but I remain available for follow-up if necessary.

  • What were your motivations?

I chose to become a naturopath a few years ago, because I wanted to give meaning to my profession and be of service to people. My interest and passion for the human body have always been present.

My journey with my intestinal problems led me to specialize in digestive disorders. Having suffered for a long time without finding answers, I decided to turn to natural medicine. I had surgery and then followed a detox treatment, combined with meditation, which had beneficial effects on my health. This positive change motivated me to share this knowledge and help others overcome their disorders.

  • How could you define the profession of naturopath?

The profession of naturopath consists of supporting individuals towards well-being using natural methods. It is essential to remain humble and not to replace conventional medicine, but rather to work in complementarity with it. In France, integrative medicine, which combines traditional medicine and naturopathy, is little developed. For my part, I work in an office with a masseur and an osteopath, and I appreciate the synergy that this creates with other health professionals.

The training to become a naturopath lasted 2 and a half years, during which I continued to work in advertising. It was a demanding process with regular evaluations. Becoming a naturopath is not easy, and I hope that this profession will be recognized for its true value. Currently, there are training courses lasting only 48 hours, which allows people without real knowledge to practice this profession. In the health field, it is essential to have a certain level of precise knowledge.

  • What is the impact of diet on our mental health?

Diet has a significant impact on our mental health. Scientific studies have shown that our nervous system is strongly linked to our intestines, which contain nearly 200,000 neurons. For example, lack of a neurotransmitter, serotonin, can cause binge eating. The vagus nerve, which connects the central nervous system to the intestines, also plays a vital role in our health. Unbalanced intestinal flora can have a negative impact on our nervous system.

In my practice, I prescribe food supplements and emphasize four pillars for a healthy and balanced diet: the diet itself, the quality of sleep, physical exercise and emotional balance. Nowadays, our body undergoes numerous attacks, such as deficiencies, mental loads and pollution, which makes these pillars even more important to respect. It is essential to consume essential micronutrients for our well-being.

  • Have you seen the needs for food support evolve in recent years?

Over the years, I have noticed that the needs for food support are always the same. People are often confused about what is good or bad for them, and there are so many different diets out there. In my opinion, there is no universally perfect diet, it is essential to listen to yourself and choose what suits you best. I have met patients of all ages, but the majority of them are receptive to the solutions I offer and want to take control of their health.

  • What are your recommendations to aid digestion and avoid bloating?

To aid digestion and avoid bloating, I recommend several measures. Chewing is essential, you must eat slowly and consciously. Favoring unprocessed and organic foods is important, as is reducing snacking to allow the body to digest well. Apple cider vinegar can also be helpful in supporting digestion, especially when taken before meals.

  • What do you think about intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting can be an interesting approach for some people. I generally advise not to skip breakfast, as it is an important meal to provide the proteins and fats necessary for the creation of hormones. Fasting could be practiced in the evening by skipping dinner, but it must be adapted according to the needs of each individual. It is essential to listen to yourself and choose the method that suits you best.

  • How to limit the glycemic impact during meals? Should we stop consuming refined sugars?

To limit the glycemic impact during meals, it is advisable to avoid refined sugars. An ideal breakfast in my opinion should include foods rich in fat and protein, such as buckwheat bread, boiled or fried eggs, goat cheese, avocado, olive oil. olive and almond or hazelnut purees without additives. It is also recommended to avoid sugary fruit juices and processed cereals.

For a healthy and balanced diet, I recommend consuming raw and organic products with quality labels. It is essential to reduce carbohydrate intake, even those from legumes like lentils and chickpeas, if eaten alone, without vegetables or fat. We need to be careful about our fat intake, because our brain is made up of 80% good fat. Cold-pressed organic oils rich in omega-3, as well as fatty fish, sardines and anchovies, are beneficial. Seasonal and organic vegetables should be favored, as should animal proteins, particularly eggs which are an excellent source of protein.

  • What do you think is the ideal breakfast?

A balanced, blood sugar-regulating breakfast would include foods high in fat and protein, such as low-glycemic buckwheat bread, ham, a boiled, soft-boiled or fried egg with a yolk. runny, goat's cheese, half an avocado, olive oil, almond puree, butter, hazelnut or coconut puree without additives. This type of meal would keep blood sugar levels stable throughout the day and give a boost in the morning.

Certain foods, such as white bread, yogurt, cereals, granola and muesli, should be avoided because they can have a negative impact on blood sugar levels. Homemade granolas may be a better alternative to industrial cereals, but they are not the most optimal choice for health.

For drinks, chicory, coffee and matcha are preferred during meals, but it is best to avoid consuming them on an empty stomach. It is recommended to limit your coffee consumption to 2 to 3 cups per day to avoid excess caffeine. Orange juices should be avoided because they contain a lot of sugar without fiber, which can cause insulin spikes and high blood sugar. Likewise, apple juice should be considered with caution because it is equivalent to the quantity of sugar present in a can of Coke. To replace jams rich in sugar, it is preferable to opt for compote.

Patients who adopt this balanced eating method often experience benefits, such as increased energy, reduced cravings and an absence of fatigue.

It is important to note that every individual is different and nutritional needs may vary from person to person. It is therefore advisable to consult a health professional or naturopath to obtain personalized recommendations based on your specific needs.

  • What are your recommendations for a healthy and balanced diet?

A natural diet is recommended, avoiding prepared meals and packaged products. It is essential to favor raw, organic foods with quality labels. Reducing carbohydrate intake, even those from lentils and chickpeas, without combining them with vegetables or fat sources, is not recommended, as it is not suitable for a balanced diet.

It is important to monitor our fat intake, because the brain is made up of 80% good fat. Cold-pressed organic oils, such as omega-3-rich flax and walnut oils, as well as goose fats, are health-promoting choices. Sardines, herring and fiber from organic seasonal vegetables are also preferred.

When it comes to protein, animal sources are optimal for effective recovery. Eggs are considered the best source of protein. It is not necessary to weigh the food, but it is advisable to divide the plate into three parts: half for vegetables, a third for carbohydrates and a third for proteins, such as fish, poultry, seafood or meats.

It is recommended to consume proteins twice a day to ensure a good intake of essential amino acids and help maintain muscle mass.

As always, each individual has specific nutritional needs, so it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional or naturopath for personalized diet and nutrition advice.

  • I always want to snack, what should I do?

Frequent food cravings can be caused by different reasons, such as eating too many carbohydrates in your diet, stress, or lack of sleep. To avoid them, it is important to smooth out glycemic peaks by avoiding foods with a high glycemic index. Apple cider vinegar can help reduce these cravings by smoothing blood sugar and insulin spikes.

  • How have you incorporated apple cider vinegar into your daily routine?

I integrated apple cider vinegar into my daily routine by taking it before meals, diluted in a glass of water using a straw to protect tooth enamel. I also advise my patients to add it to their diet on a regular basis, especially in the event of dietary deviations.

  • What are your recommendations for someone looking to lose weight?

When it comes to weight loss, it is essential to find out the cause of the problem. The reasons can be multiple, such as lack of sleep, stress or a sedentary lifestyle. Before starting weight loss therapy, it is recommended to detoxify the body to allow better weight management. However, it is not enough to not eat to lose weight, it is essential to adapt your lifestyle accordingly.

  • Do you treat people affected by endometriosis, fertility, PCOS, is it diet related?

In my coaching, I have found that inflammation plays a major role in many chronic problems. For this, it is important to reduce inflammation, which can have a positive impact on disorders such as endometriosis, fertility or PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). A suitable diet and detoxification of the body can help alleviate these problems.

To conclude, I recommend to my patients to trust their body, because it is a wonderful tool capable of many things. Being aware of your own body allows you to play an active role in your own health and well-being.

Find Sonia on Instagram @bysohealthy.

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