Do you want to know the truth about cider vinegar and the associated clichés? So without mincing words, Archie dissects for you the top 4 preconceived ideas about cider vinegar.
1/ “I’ll hurt my stomach if I eat it.”
The acidity of cider vinegar can be scary for those who suffer from reflux problems, for example. But don't worry, cider vinegar has this super power to improve the most common digestive problems. The big misconception about acidity - which is true for all products - is that consuming it would aggravate digestive problems. In general, it's quite the opposite. The acetic acid contained in vinegar will give a little boost to lazy stomachs or those that don't produce enough acid, which prevents good digestion of food. For the words of experts who will explain this to you much better than us, we refer you to Valentine Cabanel & Wilfried Launay .
2/ “It’s a trendy bohemian thing”
We grant you that cider vinegar is all the rage, but it is certainly not new. Its uses date back to ancient Egypt, the Romans used it to heal their wounds, Hippocrates, the father of medicine, used it for many of his remedies. At the beginning of the 20th century, Californians brought its popularity back into fashion by democratizing with it the importance of living a sporty life and consuming unprocessed foods. At the beginning of the "Healthy Life" movement, one of the first commandments was therefore the daily consumption of cider vinegar (always one step ahead, those Americans...) . Dr. Jarvis continued to establish the popularity of cider vinegar throughout the world by including in his best-seller " Folk Medicine ", the recipe for his super-powerful vinegar-based tonic in the 1950s. Its promises? the ability of this drink to cure most ailments. This little book was a New York Times bestseller for two consecutive years.
...Afterwards, nothing tells us that Hippocrates and Dr. Jarvis were not bourgeois bohemians.
3/ “It’s disgusting”
When you choose a bad quality vinegar, you're right, it's disgusting. Sometimes at the local grocer's you can come across a red wine that's a bit tasty, you know, that little gem for €4 that you'll brag about finding for months. For cider vinegar, it's unlikely. When it's not well produced, it's sour, period. To avoid this taste, opt for a quality vinegar made with care. It just so happens that we have one on hand that has won multiple awards for its taste qualities. ;-)
4/ “It’s not for me”
"Who is the typical Archie customer?" Joker. Our vinegar consumers are so different. From teenagers to great athletes, from grandparents to young city dwellers ... we are unable to answer this question. The fantastic thing about cider vinegar is that everyone finds something for them. When you start to integrate it into your daily life, we can't tell you why you won't leave it anymore. Is it because it makes you feel lighter? Is it for its benefits against your skin problems? Or maybe you fell in love with its taste in your salad dressings? ... maybe you have lost weight since it came into your life and you want to continue? One thing is certain, we all have an excellent reason to have it in our daily lives and until you have tried it you will not be able to answer why it is really made for you. But you will have this answer, I promise!!